Welcome to our community resource page! Here you can find a list of our product manuals along with community driven guides and discussions. We're on the hunt to provide more info, so check back for updates. If you'd like to suggest a guide/community page that has been helpful to you, contact us!
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Community Discussions:
- Reddit - r/fightsticks: An active group discussing anything related to the FGC. Members can post pictures of their custom fightsticks.
- Critical Art Podcast by KleverART & Jonyfraze: A fun podcast about all things related to the FGC.
Guides by the FGC:
- Fightstick Wiring Guide by Andy - UKFightModz: Andy is a fightstick enthusiast, collector, maker, and modder. Check out his amazingly detailed fightstick wiring guide.
- Slagcoin Joystick Guide: This entire site is a colorful joystick guide. Each icon on the top of the page is the next section of the guide. The site is old and is not up-to-date, but still serves as a great reference.
- Jonyfraze - YouTube Tutorials: Jony is a talented fightstick graphic designer who offers multiple guides/tutorials on YouTube.
- The Fight Game Glossary: All FGC related vocabulary beautifully defined.