This article explains the Antagonist PCB and its operation.

What It Is
The Antagonist PCB is a piece of electronics that makes it easier to use charge type characters. Traditionally, to do any charge type move in a fighting game you need to hold down a certain direction for some time and then press a different direction (usually the opposite side) along with the action button required to have the move execute properly. For example, take Guile from the Street Fighter series. To perform a Sonic Boom, you need to hold back for a bit (holding back down is also acceptable) and then press forward punch to have it properly execute.
For this to work properly, you need to let go of back to press forward. However, when using the Antagonist PCB, there is an option for an extra button. This Antagonize button will perform this by the letting go of the back and pressing forward for you instead. It is the same exact operation as an SOCD cleaner but with the use of this extra button to force a resolution to occur. It is physically impossible for a joystick player to press the opposite direction whereas this is possible if using a controller such as a HitBox or even a pad by using the d-pad and analog sticks while using a special grip. The Antagonist PCB unlocks an optional direction to be utilized for joystick users.
What It Isn’t
You might be tempted to think that this is a macro of sorts, but it isn’t. A macro takes a collection of inputs and strings them together on behalf of one input. For example, there can be a macro to execute a Hadouken type of move by pressing merely one button. Pressing the Antagonize button by itself never results in more than one action being performed as the functionality is programmed as a static truth table. In other words, it only relies on the current input right now to produce a single output. For this reason, you still need to press a punch button the same time you press the Antagonize button.
Is it Legal or Cheating?
If devices like the HitBox CrossUp and a pad give access to (mostly) all of the directional inputs at any time, why would it be considered cheating to have access to only one of these directional inputs with a joystick controller with the Antagonize button? These devices can be considered legal in tournaments like Evo and is described as such in their ruleset. For a demo on the Antagonist, refer to this excellent video from JonyFraze. Ultimately the Fighting Game Community (FGC) will decide whether or not to accept this new tech to help joystick players out.
The Antagonist is not a macro and is more of a SOCD cleaner with an extra button to be used with a joystick to force a SOCD resolution to take place. If you are interested in purchasing an Antagonist V2, it features such changing modes over a smart phone app (Android and iOS) and straight forward installation. Currently it can be purchased at Buttercade.